Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Journey Continues....

Once again, it's been a while since I've posted.

We went up to the University of Michigan earlier in March.  Basically, the doctor at U of M stated the tumor at this point in the hip, would be inoperable since it would involve a major reconstructive surgery.  The goal would be to kill the tumor or shrink it.

Karmanos has been wonderful to my son.  They have truly helped him to explore other options.  Unfortunately, the "GEM" chemo did not work, so they worked to get him back up to U of M for a clinical trial .  He started the drug yesterday, which is a pill form.  He is in a significant amount of pain with his hip; unusual for him because  he has actually been complaining of pain, which he never complains.  To me that tells me the tumor is getting bigger.  He is taking two different types of morphine; a slower acting one 100 ml. and a quick release one which is 30 ml.  His pain is increasing....

There have been some bumps along the road since I last posted.  He ran a fever one night of close to 103....I took him into emergency, found out his red blood count had dropped to under 8, so he was given 3 units of blood.  Thank God, there was no sepsis.  They never really found out what spiked the fever.  

Then during some scans, they found out he had a pleural effusion outside of both lungs about a week after that episode.  So, he went in for thorocentisis on each lung on separate days.  His doctor did not find any cancer cells in the fluid, so it was probably due to all the chemo he's had.

I keep praying for a miracle from God, to please cure and heal my son of this horrible disease, or at least to ease his suffering.  My poor son; I love him so much, and I can only watch him how he suffers.  I tell him that I love him and how proud I am of him, but I've got to find some way to elevate his pain.  Dear God, please help my son.  He has been such a good boy and he deserves to live a healthy life.  

Please pray for my son...


  1. Good evening SportsChick,
    Thank you for leaving your comment on my blog. I always make sure to read the blogs of people who leave me comments. I must tell you I am sitting here with tears rolling down my cheeks. If you have read my profile on my Etsy shop, you know I lost my baby sister to cervical cancer last year, June 8 to be exact. I have been dreading the arrival of that anniversary. Reading about all you have and are going through brings back so many memories...I have been exactly where you are and beyond. As I was reading I was thinking " When did someone put my thoughts down on paper".......these are my worries, my guilt, my frustrations with why this is happening. Please believe are not alone in your sadness. My sweet sister passed away in my arms...from the beginning I promised her she was never going to be alone, I would not let cancer be her only companion. All the chemo, pills, radiation treatments, late night hospital runs and oh so many hospital stays...I have been through it all. I will pray for your son and you. People never realize what we as care givers go through. They get to visit and leave. They will never know how very hard it is to watch your loved one drift away while you are so very helpless. So I want you know I will be here if ever you need to talk to someone who can 'relate'. Much love to you and your family and I will be praying for your son. Although I believe God is already well aware of what is going on and our futures are planned. I will be looking forward to hearing from you.
    your blogger friend,

  2. If you need an e-mail address to cry on

